Lim Yao Jie

Lim Yao Jie

No ActiveRecord Callbacks

In Ruby on Rails, an ActiveRecord callback is a piece of code that is executed during an object's lifecycle, and could be skipped easily. A complete list can be found at the corresponding official Ruby on Rails page.

Callbacks seem to be really useful, so let's put them to use in an imaginary scenario. The company wants an OrderForm with multiple Sections. In the last product meeting it appears that these Sections are permanent and will not change at all. It looks pretty straightforward!

class OrderForm < ApplicationRecord
  before_create :build_sections

  def build_sections

A few months later, the Product Owner comes with another request:

"Customers would often update their OrderForms, but would like to look at what they have set before making the changes. Could there be snapshots?"

This should be a simple-enough request:

class OrderForm < ApplicationRecord
  attribute :snapshotting, boolean: false
  before_create :build_sections, unless: :snapshotting
  # rest of the code..

"There is this old set of orders that we would like to import from our Wordpress. Could you import them in?"

Your eyebrow twitched a little, as if sensing some kind of disturbance in the force (or your code complexity):

class OrderForm < ApplicationRecord
  before_create :build_sections, unless: -> { snapshotting? || importing? }
  # rest of the code..

"Could we allow customers to make a copy of these OrderForms so that they could make the same orders?"

"Could we make OrderForm only shoot lasers when it is sentient? Could we..?"

Looking at this somewhat-relatable-to-me scenario.. If we could realise what happens in the future and turn back time, we probably wouldn't have gone for callbacks for a few good reasons.

  1. Engineers need to remember that "nosy" default callbacks may be hiding somewhere.
  2. There will be workarounds with methods like skip_build,
  3. which will affect how test factories are written,
  4. and would subsequently cause unexpected side-effects.
  5. Deep-seated callbacks will get tougher to realise and refactor out as the application increases in size. It will easily blow out of proportion if we had models that had callbacks, which could call other model callbacks.
  6. And finally, engineers would often reach out for patterns that are already existing in the system, making the issue in point 5. much harder to resolve.

Before reaching for a default callback, we should determine if it will always be called for the entire future of the application. And the answer is almost always no - only a Sith deals in absolutes!

We should realise that using default callbacks is a huge committment, and perhaps reach for other design patterns. The interactor pattern is a good alternative.

Say no to ActiveRecord callbacks!

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